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Understanding New Hampshire's Abortion Law: Get the Facts

Empowering You with Clear, Accurate Information to Make Informed Decisions

Myth: Abortion is Banned in NH


Abortion is legal through the first two trimesters for any reason, and legal in certain circumstances in the third trimester.

New Hampshire’s Abortion laws are some of the most lenient in the country.

Myth: New Hampshire’s Law is “Extreme”


According to the CDC, only 1% of abortions are performed after 21 weeks.

New Hampshire’s law restricting abortion after six months, or 24 weeks, is not an infringement on women’s reproductive choice.

Myth: Abortion is Banned in NH


Abortion is legal in NH throughout the pregnancy.

Abortion is permitted for any reason up until six months, or 24 weeks, and in the third trimester for certain circumstances such as a fatal fetal abnormality or risk to mother’s health.

Myth: New Hampshire’s Law is “Extreme”


New Hampshire’s law is very similar to laws in Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, and many other states, including California. (Image)

Only 29% of Granite Staters support abortion with no restrictions at all. (St. Anselm Poll)

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New Hampshire Law